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Join the West Trade and Iron Oak Editions Team:  Current Available Positions 
WEST TRADE REVIEW (Literary Journal)

West Trade Review is a nonprofit literary journal based in Charlotte, NC, and is dedicated to supporting the literary and arts community.  All West Trade Review staff are volunteers.

We have two regular reading periods (April 1-August 1 & August 15-December 15) and sponsor a contest period (January 15-March 15) for both poetry and fiction.  We publish three quarterly online editions (summer, fall, winter) and one large print edition each spring (approx. 200-225 pages).

Our mission is to perpetuate the work of artists both well known and yet-to-be-known, simultaneously enriching our world through the written word and visual arts. We strive to reflect diversity in style, content and perspective throughout prose, poetry, photography and other artwork.

Our focus is to simply present to you the best art possible by both emerging and established creative minds.

We are committed to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and seek to publish underrepresented voices of all types (BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, cis and trans women, gender non-conforming, agender, non-binary, genderqueer, those who are two-spirit, people with disabilities).  Individuals from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply for any open position.

Work from West Trade Review was recently selected for inclusion in Best American Essays, Best Debut Short Stories (PEN/The Richard J. Dau Prize), Best of the Net, and Best Small Fictions.

Send a cover letter and resume to Ken Harmon at [email protected].  Please place position title in email subject header.

Work for all positions is completed remotely (Submittable, Slack, Trello, and Zoom).  


Readers are the backbone of every literary journal as they are the first to encounter all submissions.

Candidates for positions as readers should:

- be self-motivated and capable of meeting deadlines
- have a solid educational or professional background in creative writing and/or literature that allows for insightful analysis of a submission, including strengths and weaknesses of each piece
​- have approximately 5-10 hours per week to devote (time required varies weekly)
- be capable of  reading quickly and efficiently without sacrificing quality

All work is completed remotely via Submittable and Slack.  Biweekly Zoom meetings (1 hour) are required.

This is a volunteer position.


Members of this team need the following skills:

- to be self-motivated and capable of meeting deadlines
- to understand the function of social media as tool for communicating with a specialized audience (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook).
​- possess the ability to clearly express oneself in writing
​- have approximately 2-3 hours per week to devote 

The social media and communications team meets on Zoom biweekly for approximately an hour to discuss current and upcoming projects. 

Members of this team develop ideas for promotions and write weekly social media content for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Team members may also work on the monthly newsletter using the Mailchimp software.  Knowledge of Mailchimp program as well as Adobe Express, Adobe Audition, or Trello preferred, but not required.  Will train.

​Internships (unpaid, remote):

Note:  This is an unpaid position supporting an all-volunteer staff.

The focus of an internship is to familiarize you with all aspects of what it means to run a literary journal and exist in an independent literary environment.  This includes assisting editors with projects as needed and learning about the reading/editorial process, social media engagement, how a journal supports its writers, layout/design using Adobe Creative Suite, building webpages, designing newsletters, editing audio and video files, data analytics, etc.  All work is completed remotely and will require 10-15 hours a week of your time.  Internships are available each fall, spring, and summer.  Send resume and cover letter outlining the requirements of your internship and your interests in literature, creative writing, publishing, and/or the skills you'd like to develop during your time with us to Ken Harmon at [email protected].  Place "Possible Internship" in the subject line.  Any questions may be directed to this email address as well.


The publisher and book editors at Iron Oak Editions first came together as a team with their work on West Trade Review, and after successfully growing and building their journal audience decided that the next logical step was to continue that growth together as a press.

Our mission is to perpetuate the work of artists both well known and yet-to-be-known, simultaneously enriching our world through the written word. We strive to reflect diversity in style, content and perspective throughout poetry and prose. 

We are an independent literary publisher whose goal is to simply present to you the best literature possible by both emerging and established creative minds. 

We are committed to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and seek to publish underrepresented voices of all types (BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, cis and trans women, gender non-conforming, agender, non-binary, genderqueer, those who are two-spirit, people with disabilities). Individuals from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply for any open position.

For all Iron Oak Editions positions, send a cover letter and resume to Ken Harmon at [email protected]. Please place position title in email subject header.


Candidates for Poetry Editor should:

- possess an MFA in poetry and/or have a strong history of publication
- have previous literary journal, publishing, or teaching experience 
- be capable of reading quickly and efficiently and attend occasional poetry team Zoom meetings.
- Expect to participate in editorial meetings and discussions
- have 5-10 hours a week to devote

Candidate should expect to work closely with the Publisher. All work is completed remotely via Submittable, Trello, Zoom, and Slack. 
This is a volunteer position.


Candidates for Prose Editor should:

- possess an MFA in fiction or creative nonfiction and/or have a strong history of publication
- have previous literary journal, publishing, or teaching experience 
- be capable of reading quickly and efficiently and attend occasional prose team Zoom meetings.
- Expect to participate in editorial meetings and discussions
- have 5-10 hours a week to devote

Candidate should expect to work closely with the Publisher. All work is completed remotely via Submittable, Trello, Zoom, and Slack. 
This is a volunteer position.


Readers are the first to encounter all submissions. For the press this includes fiction and nonfiction queries (cover letters, manuscript summary, and a manuscript excerpt).  Poetry readers review cover letters and full poetry manuscripts.

Candidates for positions as readers should:

- be self-motivated and capable of meeting deadlines
- have a solid educational or professional background in creative writing and/or literature that allows for insightful analysis of a submission, including strengths and weaknesses of each piece
​- have approximately 5-10 hours per week to devote (time required varies weekly)
- be capable of reading quickly and efficiently without sacrificing quality

All work is completed remotely via Submittable and Slack. Monthly Zoom meetings (1 hour) are required.

This is a volunteer position.

Editorial Critique Team (Independent Contractors):

As a press we are committed to and support writers however we can.  One way we do this is by offering editorial feedback on prose or poetry manuscripts of various lengths from highly qualified writers with a proven track record of publication success.

Members of the Iron Oak Editions Editorial Critique team earn a percentage of the critique fee for each manuscript for which they provide feedback.

Candidates for this position should:

- possess an MFA in Creative Writing and/or have a strong history of publication (at least one book and numerous literary journal publications).
- be capable of reading quickly and efficiently and capable of providing detailed and helpful feedback to writers about their manuscripts that are in various stages of development.
-candidates set their own availability each month and all work is completed remotely.

Candidate should expect to work closely with the Publisher, Executive Editor/Director of Prose, as well as the Director of Poetry.  


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